Annual Enrollment for 2024 benefits is Oct. 21 through Nov. 12. Here are some changes you’ll want to know.
Nominal medical rate increase. Good news! Your medical plan options will remain the same for 2024 with no design changes and below national average rate increases. If you cover a spouse/domestic partner who’s eligible for subsidized medical coverage through their employer, you must pay a surcharge to cover them under the Rockwell Automation medical plan. For 2024, the surcharge is $520 per year for employees making less than or equal to $50,000 a year, and $1,300 for all others.
Enhanced dental coverage. We’re increasing the annual maximum and age limit for covered dependents in 2024, giving you more funds and family coverage for dental care. To give you better, more comprehensive dental care, we removed the maximum age for orthodontia care, added adult orthodontia and extended the lifetime maximum for orthodontic services.
Dependent audit coming soon. Rockwell Automation will audit covered dependents in 2024, so use this enrollment period to confirm any dependents you’re covering meet the eligibility requirements. Review the eligibility requirements at to learn more.
Enroll starting on Oct. 21. You can enroll on Your BenefitsTM starting on Oct. 21 through Nov. 12, 2023. Use the easy-to-use modeling tools to help you make smart benefits decisions for next year.
If you don’t enroll during Annual Enrollment, your current coverage will roll over to next year (except FSA). You must re-elect FSAs each year per IRS guidelines. If you continue participation in the HSA medical plan option, your HSA contribution will default to your 2023 election.
Annual Enrollment is your once-a-year chance to make changes to your benefits for next year unless you experience a qualified status change like the birth of a child, adoption, marriage or divorce. Use this enrollment to make sure you have the best benefits for you and your family for 2024.