The Perks of a 67-lb Weight Loss

“Wow. You look different.”

Michael Frank, Firmware Quality Engineer in Milwaukee, is getting used to these words. After losing 67 pounds, Michael looks and feels different, and people are starting to notice. “Initially, people who hadn’t seen me in a couple months would notice. Just recently, it’s become noticeable for people who see me almost daily,” said Michael. “It feels great.”

Michael lost weight by joining Choose to Lose, an onsite weight-loss program offered in Milwaukee. “I knew I was getting a little too heavy,” he said. “I kept thinking I needed to do something and had a few false starts over the year. Then I saw an article about Choose to Lose and thought I should give that a try since nothing else was working.”

“The program was great. I liked the combination of having a wellness coach and personal training sessions,” he said. “It turned out be a nice combination so I could focus on fitness, as well as diet and lifestyle change. I like that part.”

At the end of the 14-week program, Michael lost 38 pounds, reduced his body fat, lowered his resting heart rate, lowered his blood pressure and improved his flexibility. Better yet, simple activities, like walking upstairs, became easier. “I feel more energetic, and I’m doing more,” he said. “I help coach my kids in lacrosse and football, and now getting on the field and running around to do what I have to do with them is a lot easier.”

Michael says the key to his success was focusing on his diet. “Learning how to eat healthier was helpful. Now, instead of a candy bar, I reach for a piece of fruit. But I think learning how to suppress those urges in the first place was the biggest help.”

Due to his success the first time, Michael signed up for a second round of Choose to Lose. He started in September and has lost an additional 29 pounds, bringing his total weight-loss to 67 pounds—and counting. “I’m updating my goals as I go along,” he said. “My initial goal was to lose 55 pounds. Now my next goal is to lose 17 additional pounds.”

Whatever he chooses, we know Michael will continue to look and feel great, improve his health, increase his energy and get more compliments.


Want to lose weight?

If you’re in Milwaukee or Mequon, consider the Choose to Lose weight-loss program. Watch your email toward the end of the year for information about the next session.

If you’re not in Milwaukee or Mequon, consider health coaching through StayWell. You’ll work one-on-one with a trained health coach to create a weight-loss game plan that’s right for you. Your coach will help you get inspired, find the right resources and make positive changes to your health. As a bonus, your health coaching counts as a Take Action activity and can help you save money on your medical premiums. To get started, call the StayWell Helpline at 1.800.721.2696.

Keep in mind that the other Take Action activities in our Health Management program can help you get active and eat better, which can also lead to weight loss.