Be in the know about your health. Get a free Numbers@Work health screening offered at most locations in September and early October. You’ll learn what to do for better health, get a free flu shot and possibly earn incentives, too. And it’s a great starting point for those of us who’ve been putting off getting fit, in mind and body. Get the numbers now and challenge yourself to do better by next year’s screening. Sign up now!
Before your screening
Reserve your spot now. (Employees in Champaign and Richland Center should sign up through their local HR representative.)
On the day of your screening
You only need to fast if you want to receive your triglyceride and LDL cholesterol results. If you plan to take the cardiorespiratory step test, be sure to wear flat shoes and appropriate clothing, and limit tobacco and caffeine intake.
Your confidential onsite screening will measure your Body Mass Index (and/or waist circumference), blood pressure, cholesterol*, blood glucose and cardiorespiratory fitness.
After the screening
You’ll earn $50 for every healthy target you meet—up to a $250 credit toward your 2017 medical premiums, as long as you take the Health Risk Questionnaire this fall.
For more information, including the specific healthy targets, see the information mailing to your home this month or visit
* The screening measures your total cholesterol and HDL (“good” cholesterol) and total/HDL cholesterol ratio. If you fast for eight hours, it can also test your LDL (“bad” cholesterol) and triglycerides. Fasting is optional.
More Screening Options
If you can’t make an onsite screening—or if your location doesn’t offer onsite screenings—you can complete your screening:
With your health care provider. Complete your screening using the health numbers your primary care provider collects during your 2016 physical. Write your numbers on the Health Care Provider Form and submit it to StayWell by Dec. 31. If you want to complete the cardio step test, just follow the instructions on the form.
At home with the home test kit. Conduct your own blood test and cardio step test using StayWell’s home test kit. Call StayWell at 800.721.2696 to order your kit. Follow the instructions to complete the screening and mail the kit back to StayWell. (For your blood pressure, visit your primary care provider’s office or a local convenience store/minute clinic.) Be sure to mail it early enough for StayWell to receive it by the Dec. 31 deadline.