- Act now to avoid a delay in payment of your dependent’s medical claims. Each year, before paying benefits for your covered dependent, UnitedHealthcare (UHC) needs to confirm whether your dependent has other health care coverage. (If they do, UHC needs to coordinate benefits with the other insurance carrier.) Your best bet is to let UHC know now. Log on to myuhc.com > Claims & Accounts > Member Actions > Coordination of Benefits to update or confirm your dependent’s information. Otherwise, after he or she receives care, UHC will send a notice asking whether that dependent has other coverage. And UHC won’t process the claim until you respond, which could delay the process.
- Want to get your monthly finances on track? Join us Wednesday, Jan. 25 at 11 a.m. CT for Fidelity’s next webinar: Create a Budget, Ditch Your Debt and Start Building for the Future. You’ll learn tools, tips and strategies to help you pay down your debt while saving for your future goals. Register now. (You need to log in to Fidelity’s website to register.)
- Take control of your finances … and your health. Financial stress is linked to several health issues, including anxiety, depression and insomnia. To learn money management skills—and protect your health at the same time—attend this free, on-demand webinar from Achieve Solutions by Jan. 31. You’ll learn how to create a budget, get tips for discussing finances with family members and explore strategies for enhancing team morale and productivity. Want more support? Remember that you and your family have 24/7 access to trained professionals who can help with many personal and financial concerns. Simply call 855.897.4044 or visit www.achievesolutionsglobal.net (code: automation) for confidential assistance.
- Watch for your 2016 tax forms. Your 2016 W-2 will be available later this month. If you requested an electronic version, it will be on EmployeeConnect (under the “Your Pay” tab) by Jan 31. Otherwise, your W-2 will be mailed to your home address on Jan. 31 with delivery by Feb. 15. The other form you need, Form 1095-C, will be ready by Feb. 1, and will be delivered separately from your other tax forms.
- Fidelity will mail 2016 year-end Retirement Savings Plan statements to your home address later this month. You can also request online statements at any time by visiting 401k.com and logging in to your account.