- Special webinar for Rockwell Automation employees: Turn your savings into retirement income. Planning to retire within the next few years? Join us Wednesday, April 26, at 11 a.m. Central time for a webinar and Q&A session with Fidelity experts. You’ll learn the benefits of a retirement income plan, factors to consider when turning your savings into income and how to make that plan fit your financial goals and lifestyle. Register now. (Log in to register.)
- Have questions about substance abuse treatment? Call UnitedHealthcare (UHC) for answers. UHC is available 24/7 to answer questions about your personal health, care for a family member, coverage, cost of care and more. UHC is committed to making it as easy as possible for you to access the services you or your loved one may need. Simply call 855.780.5955 anytime, day or night. Visit UHC online for more information.
- Learn to overcome addiction. When does a habit like shopping, exploring the internet or gambling become an addiction? This month’s complimentary on-demand webinar—available through April 30—will answer that question and describe the types of treatments available. If you need additional support related to addiction, call 855.897.4044 or visit www.achievesolutionsglobal.net (code: automation).
- Health Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA) rollovers will be available soon. If you participated in a Health Care FSA last year and carried over any funds (up to $500) from 2016, those funds will be available to you this month after all the 2016 claims have been processed. Check your balance at EmployeeConnect > Your Benefits Resources. Keep in mind that your carryover funds can only be used for dental and vision expenses until you meet the 2017 medical deductible.
- The 2016 Annual Funding Notice for the Rockwell Automation Pension Plan is now available. For those hired before July 1, 2010: This Defined Benefit Pension Plan Annual Funding Notice is required by the U.S. Department of Labor as part of the Pension Protection Act of 2006. You don’t need to do anything. A copy is also available at EmployeeConnect on the Your Benefits tab. Click on Your Benefits Resources > Retirement tab > Plan Information page and then click on the link under the Legal Information section. For more information about the Rockwell Automation Pension Plan, contact the Rockwell Automation Service Center through EmployeeConnect or call 877.OUR.RASC (1.877.687.7272).