Results for Downloads

Benefits Guide

Read about your benefits with the Benefits Guide.

U.S. Benefit Highlights

Rockwell Automation offers holistic benefits and programs to support your physical, financial and mental well-being. For United States employees scheduled to work 20 or more hours per week, download your Benefit Highlights guide.

Retirement Election Process Guide

Download your go-to guide for a hassle-free retirement at Rockwell Automation.

Prudential Disability Claim Submission

Learn about submitting a disability claim through Prudential by downloading this brochure.

Termination Benefits Summary

If you are considering leaving Rockwell Automation for another opportunity or for retirement, download the Termination Benefits Summary to learn how leaving the Company impacts your benefits.

Pension Plan Annual Funding Notice

For important funding information about your Pension Plan and a summary of federal rules governing the plan, download the Pension Plan Annual Funding Notice.